Exactly How I Paid Off $20k of Debt in 7 Months

Exactly How I Paid Off $20k of Debt in 7 Months

Confession time: I have credit card debt. Part of me has been putting off publishing this post until I’ve fully finished paying off my debt. I think it’s the perfectionist in me who wants to say, “I’m debt-free and this is how I did it!”, while having everything wrapped up in a pretty box with a neat little bow.

But the perfect time very rarely, if ever, rolls around. So instead, I’m here to say,

I’m on my debt-free journey.

I’ve paid off $20,000 of debt in 6 months. Happy dance! As with all things in life, paying off debt isn’t about doing things perfectly, but there’s value to be found in showing up perfectly imperfect. And it’s always more fun to have friends along on the journey, so thank you so much for being there for me.

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6 Tips to Help You Get Started with Intuitive Eating

Have you ever felt CRAZY around food? Not knowing what to eat or when to eat? Eating just because it’s noon and you think you should be eating lunch? Eating then feeling guilty or ashamed about what you ate? Telling yourself you shouldn’t be eating that donut, that piece of cake, or piece of bread?

If you’ve ever had UNCONTROLLABLE food cravings or found yourself overeating until you felt physically ill, you’re not alone. I’ve been there, too. In fact, I’ve found myself in all the above situations at some point.

Many of us have been inundated with diet culture. This attitude makes us feel like we need to lose weight or be a certain size. And if we don’t lose weight or achieve the perfect size, we’re not good enough.

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Why it’s Okay to Be Alone on Valentine’s Day

Why it’s Okay to Be Alone on Valentine’s Day

Spending Valentine’s Day alone? It’s easy to feel like you’re the only person in the world not celebrating the holiday with someone special. Social media and society are guilty of making us feel like there’s something wrong with us when we’re not in a romantic relationship, especially on Valentine’s Day. Or any holiday for that matter.

Before I go any further, I want to say that there’s a BIG misconception that being alone means you’re lonely. Alone and lonely are two very different states.

Being alone means you’re content with solitude, you feel happy, and connected to others. Loneliness means you’re longing for company, feeling sad, and disconnected from others.

The thing that fascinates me the most is that you can be alone and not feel lonely and you can be surrounded by many people, yet still feel very lonely.

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7 Personal Finance Books to Heal Your Relationship with Money

7 Personal Finance Books to Heal Your Relationship with Money

Money isn’t something we often talk about. It can be an uncomfortable topic, like sex, religion, or politics. But the more time we spend discussing these topics, the more comfortable they become. Let me say that again…The more time we spend discussing these topics, the more comfortable they become.

I’m saying this not only for you as the reader, but for myself because it’s not something I often discuss, either. Before I dive in any further, let’s take a quick moment to pause and reflect.

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Here’s to Living Intentionally in 2021!

Here’s to Living Intentionally in 2021!

For as long as I can remember, my New Year’s ritual has been to carve out time with my best friend in California and spend it journaling our resolutions for the year ahead. While sipping on tea, we jot down our ideas, sharing our dreams and hopes for the year to come. We set goals for health, relationships, spirituality, finances, careers, etc.

I really love this tradition because we’ve created a safe space where we can share absolutely anything we’re thinking or feeling. Neither of us has to feel worried about being made fun of for speaking our mind because that just doesn’t happen.

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20 Powerful Affirmations to Change How You Think About Yourself

20 Powerful Affirmations to Change How You Think About Yourself

She changed my life.


Louise Hayes, the mother of self-help books.

The Day Louise Hayes Changed My Life

I can remember exactly where I was, the time of day it was + how old I was when one of her books first fell into my hands. It was one late afternoon in my early 20’s when my friend handed me what would become one of my most treasured reads, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hayes.

“What is this?” I asked my friend. I’d never heard of Louise Hayes or seen any of her books before that day. Little did I know the huge impact both the book and the author would have on the next 2 decades of my life.

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11 Self-Help Books For Women That Will Genuinely Change Your Life

11 Self-Help Books For Women That Will Genuinely Change Your Life

The pandemic has forced many people to stay home more than usual this year. For some of us, this has been the gift of time we don’t usually have. For others, it means less time to ourselves because we’re now juggling kids and husbands, as well as a job.

No matter what’s going on in my life, one thing is always consistent: I love crawling into bed with a book. 9 times out of 10 it’s a self-help book. I’ve always been fascinated by the topic of improving my life and the lives of others and self-help books help quench my thirst for personal improvement knowledge.

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Stop Hair Loss & Start Hair Regrowth With These 9 Tips

Stop Hair Loss & Start Hair Regrowth With These 9 Tips

Hair loss in women is a lot more common than you think. More than 50% of women will experience noticeable hair loss at some point in their lives. So if hair loss isn’t something you’ve already experienced yourself, it’s very likely you will in the future. But don’t worry. There are things you can do to stop it and encourage your hair to get back to the thick, healthy locks they used to be.

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Thinking of Giving Up Alcohol? Read My Sobriety Story

Thinking of Giving Up Alcohol? Read My Sobriety Story

When I first tell people I’m sober, they don’t get it. They’re often confused or sometimes even a bit disappointed. They say, “Go on, just have one drink.”

I’ve become really comfortable not drinking. But I do believe my not drinking makes many other people feel uncomfortable. Drinking is so socially acceptable that it’s perfectly normal to go out and have drinks, meet up for happy hour, get together for a free flow brunch, or open a bottle of wine with family and friends at home.

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