20 Powerful Affirmations to Change How You Think About Yourself


She changed my life.


 Louise Hayes, the mother of self-help books.

The Day Louise Hayes Changed My Life

I can remember exactly where I was, the time of day it was + how old I was when one of her books first fell into my hands. It was one late afternoon in my early 20’s when my friend handed me what would become one of my most treasured reads, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hayes.

“What is this?” I asked my friend. I’d never heard of Louise Hayes or seen any of her books before that day. Little did I know the huge impact both the book and the author would have on the next 2 decades of my life.  

I remember cracking the book open for the first time and never wanting to put it down. Not even for a second. With every line, it felt like Louise was speaking directly to me. Here was someone who believes that self-love and the way you think can genuinely change everything in your life.

Since that momentous day, I’ve been a huge fan of Louise Hayes and her books. Through the years I’ve followed her advice and kept a journal of positive affirmations that inspire me the most. The below wise words are ones I’ve collected over the previous 20 years and today I’m sharing them with you.

What Are Affirmations?

Never heard of affirmations before? Simply put, they’re quotes or phrases designed to have a positive impact on your day, your week, or even your life. Even though they’re only strings of words, affirmations can truly empower you when you’re at your lowest and give you the strength to be better than you ever thought possible.

Give Them a Chance

If you’re already familiar with the power of affirmations, I invite you to carry on reading. While I’m sure you’ve heard of some affirmations on my list, hopefully, you’ll come across some new ones to inspire and motivate you today and for years to come.

If you’re not quite sure affirmations are for you, give them a chance. If they don’t resonate with you, that’s perfectly okay. But unless you give them a shot, you’ll never know and you’ll risk missing out on what could become something really good in your life. Have a read and see if something speaks to you.

We are ALL so very worthy of love. It took me a long time to realize but now I understand that love starts with us. Forgive yourself, love yourself and everything else will follow.

20 of My Favorite Affirmations

1.     I accept myself just as I am

2.     I am enough

3.     I am worthy

4.     I believe in myself

5.     I love all of me

6.     Today I will be present in every moment

7.     I am grateful for all that I have

8.     I am joyous, happy, and free

9.     I am safe

10.   I am safe in the universe

11.   I am confident in my body

12.   Everything is working out for my highest good

13.   Life supports me in every possible way

14.   I bless others with my time and talent

15.   My life gets more fabulous every day

16.   I create time and space for my self-care

17.   I am living out my dreams

18.   I honor the commitments I make to myself

19.   Today I am brave

20.   The right people always show up for me

Self-love might sound easy, but it’s something many, many people struggle with. And that’s okay. A lot of the time we’re so focused on making sure the people around us know we care about them that we forget to show ourselves some love.

Reinforcing your self-worth and confidence with affirmations takes little effort, but if you stick with it, the practice will have a great impact on your life and your self-worth. Start small, to begin with and work your way up until your confidence and happiness are sky-high.

How Do You Feel About Affirmations?

Do you find as much power in affirmations as I do? That’s great! Please share your favorite affirmation below in the comments. I’m always looking for new affirmations to add to my list. You can never have too much positivity in your life, right?

If affirmations aren’t for you, that’s fine, too. At least you gave them a shot! There are plenty of other ways you can show yourself some love, such as reading self-help books or taking proper care of your skin.

Embracing what works for you is always best. Share the ways you inspire yourself to be better every day in the comments below. A trick you’ve used for years and grown accustomed to might really help someone else out who’s stuck in a rut.
